the science podcast where we gaze in pure delight at the whole of science


From tales of historical idiocracy and scientific genius to weird and wacky cultural phenomena, Dr Rod Lamberts and Dr Will Grant are here to take you on a wild conversational journey, deep diving into the crevices of science, history and culture that you never knew existed. 

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Dr Will Grant is an Associate Professor in Science Communication at the Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science at ANU. Phew, that’s a mouthful and a long way from far north Queensland, where Will grew up wrestling crocodiles.  

Contrary to Rod and his rebellious ways, Will proudly wore the school captain badge. After success in his first job as a video game reviewer for the local newspaper, he went on in his career to write opinion pieces for all the big newspapers and nerdy outlets like Public Understanding of Science, Environmental Communication, Computers in Human Behaviour…quite the overachiever. 

Will completed his PhD in the politics of maps. Whether or not this was the precursor to his midlife crisis will remain untold. Although he still loves a good map and knows his way around the streets on his one-wheel skateboard.  

Now, Will spends his time discussing science on Radio National, looking at the communication of climate change and the politics of science, and, of course, co-developing and co-hosting The Wholesome Show with his good friend Rod.


Dr Rod Lamberts is the Deputy Director of the Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science (CPAS) at ANU.

That job title is tremendously long, but don’t be intimidated... Rod was expelled from Canberra’s “poshest” all-chaps school and will laugh at any joke that focuses on the trouser area. Perhaps this is why he got along so well with Kurt and Dave from Nirvana when he was a bouncer trying to pay his way through uni.

 After meandering through a whole bunch of psychology and anthropology at uni, Rod worked his way through a bunch of jobs that didn’t really leave him feeling high on life, and eventually, he went back to uni to gain a PhD in Science Communication. Since then, it’s been teaching, researching and consulting in sci comm shaped things. 

 Many years of public writing and radio talking culminated in live science chat shows and now, finally, he’s reached the pinnacle of his career… co-developing and co-hosting The Wholesome Show.